Most Fun Anime of Summer 2014

Barakamon 4

Barakamon (ばらかもん – “a high-spirited person” in Goto dialect)

Barakamon 1

The story of  calligrapher Seishū Handa who moves to some remote islands.

Barakamon 2

He meets lots of strange but fun people.

Barakamon 3

The Japanese is not always easy to understand because of the use of dialect.

Barakamon 6


Travel Phrases

Some simple phrases for traveling in Japan:

toukyou bin wa nan desu ka
When is there a flight to Tokyo?

kono densha wa yokohama e ikimasu ka
Does this train go to Yokohama?”

tsugi no eki wa shinbashi desu ka
Is Shinbashi the next station?

kuukou made onegai shimasu
I’d like to go to the airport.

kenbaiki wa doko desu ka”;
Where is the ticket machine?